Peter LOSEY is not a direct line ancestor but he fought in the American Civil War with the 15th New Jersey Volunteers (infantry), was captured and died as a result of incarceration at the infamous Andersonville military prison. He deserves to be remembered.
SUSSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY – 1823 – Peter LOSEY was born, probably in Stillwater.
SUSSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY – August 11, 1862 – Peter LOSEY enlisted with the 15th New Jersey Volunteers, an infantry regiment. He was assigned to Company I.
ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND – DECEMBER 20, 1864 – Peter LOSEY, a repatriated prisoner of war, died of chronis diarrhea today at Annapolis. He was brought to the U.S. Army General Hospital here from Andersonville.
ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND – DECEMBER 31, 1864 – Private Peter LOSEY was buried in Ash Grove, grave 259, today.
NEWTON, SUSSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY – JANUARY 20, 1865 – Peter LOSEY's Will was probated today. Beneficiaries included: Caspar LOSEY of Green County, Wisconsin; Christopher LOSEY; Lizzie Maria LOSEY, William LOSEY, Rebecca OXENBOUGH, and Catharine HUFF.
External Links
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