
New Jersey and the Rebellion: A History of the services of the troops and people of New Jersey in aid of the Union cause.

by John Y. Foster. Published by Authority of the State. Newark, N.J.; Martin R. Dennis & Co. 1868. Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, Salem MA. ISBN 0-8328-6032-8

"Remember You Are Jerseymen!" A Military History of New Jersey's Troops in the Civil War.

by Joseph G. Bilby and William C. Goble. Longstreet House, Hightstown NJ. New Book Number 141. 1998. ISBN 0944413544



A Complete and Comprehensive History of the Ninth Regiment New Jersey Vols. Infantry: From Its First Organization to Its Final Muster Out

By Hermann Everts. Published by A. S. Holbrook, printer, 1865. Original from the New York Public Library. Digitized Jan 22, 2008. 197 pages. Location: Google Books. View »

9th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

Location: Wikipedia.orgView »

(Disclosure: I wrote the original article.)

9th New Jersey Infantry Regiment

Location: New Jersey 1861 (appears to be offline)